"Does my head look big in this?"
After our magical trip to Iceland how could we not come home on a downer .... so we had a Pre-chemo Party! Yay! Where my nearest and dearest could see me looking my best before the ravages of treatment took hold! We all dressed up in our 'glad rags' and wore a wig, hat or scarf! I even received some headwear donations at the end! Everyone brought a dish and we had a feast. Followed by dancing to the Spice Girls and then to top it all off I got to tick something off my Bucket List and learn the dance routine to 'Candy'!! (Yes, I have been 'taught' it before but ........?) It was fantastic and I felt very loved and cared for. And well and happy and carefree! I really am blessed that I have such lovely family and friends in my life - THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR LOVE & SUPPORT 💕